The six signature traits
of inclusive leadership
Thriving in a diverse new world
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About the authors
Bernadette Dillon is a client director in Human Capital consulting at Deloitte, where she special-
izes in diversity and inclusion. A chartered accountant by background, she has worked with a range
of organizations, both local y and international y, with respect to diversity and inclusion strategy
development, inclusive leadership assessment and development, analytics and diagnostics, and
inclusive culture change. Dillon has co-authored a number of publications relating to diversity and
inclusion, and is currently based in the United Kingdom.
Juliet Bourke is a partner in Human Capital consulting at Deloitte, where she leads the Australian
Diversity and Inclusion practice and co-leads the Australian Leadership practice. She has over 20
years’ experience in human capital and is an international y recognized author and speaker on
diversity and inclusion, cultural change, and leadership. Bourke has authored many publications on
diversity and inclusion, most recently publishing
Which two heads are better than one? How diverse
teams create breakthrough ideas and make robust decisions, which examines decision making, diver-
sity of thinking, biases, and behaviors.
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
Introduction: A new leadership capability | 1
A diverse new world: Markets, customers, ideas, and talent | 4
The six signature traits of an inclusive leader | 7
What can organizations do? | 19
Appendix: Research methodology | 21
Endnotes | 23
Contacts | 25
Acknowledgements | 26
Thriving in a diverse new world
Introduction: A new
leadership capability
WHAT will it take to be a great leader in
So what is this different context? In a vola-
the future? In five years, ten years, even
tile and complex world, predicting the future
fifteen years?
with precision is a risky business. We can be
Say those numbers slightly differ-
sure, however, about four global mega-trends
ently—2020, 2025, or 2030—and your imagi-
that are reshaping the environment and influ-
nation takes you somewhere else entirely. To
encing business priorities:1
the realm of science fiction in which books
diversity of markets: Demand is shift-
and films paint vivid pictures of a future that
ing to emerging markets. With their growing
looks vastly different from that which we know
middle class, these new markets represent the
today. There is the devastated world and its
single biggest growth opportunity in the port-
dystopian societies, the artificial world with
folio of many companies around the world.
synthetic humans, and myriads of other worlds
diversity of customers: Customer
scattered throughout foreign galaxies.
demographics and attitudes are changing.
In these books and films, there’s always a
Empowered through technology and with
quest, and there’s always a hero. Smart and
greater choice, an increasingly diverse cus-
strong, they carry the weight of the world on
tomer base expects better personalization of
their shoulders. They have a sidekick, if lucky,
products and services.
but rarely are the leader and the sidekick
diversity of ideas: Digital technol-
equals, and they almost never operate as a
ogy, hyper-connectivity, and deregulation are
team. The decisions these leaders make—the
disrupting business value chains and the nature
actions they take—culminate in the restoration
of consumption and competition. Few would
of humanity.
argue against the need for rapid innovation.
What’s curious is that this iconic image of
diversity of talent: Shifts in age
the heroic leader remains constant despite the
profiles, education, and migration flows, along
vastly changed environment. It seems we can
with expectations of equality of opportu-
easily imagine different future contexts, but
nity and work/life balance, are all impacting
when it comes to thinking about leadership
employee populations.
differently, we are on a repeating loop. It makes
Diversity of markets, customers, ideas,
for great entertainment, but it is not the stuff
and talent: These simultaneous shifts are the
of reality. Yes, the context will change—it is
new context. For leaders who have perfected
changing already—and this will demand adap-
their craft in a more homogenous environ-
tation by those playing a leading role.
ment, rapid adjustment is in order. Of course,
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
Figure 1. The six signature traits of an inclusive leader
Because bias is a leader’s
Because different ideas and
Achilles' heel
experiences enable growth
The six
Because talking about
imperfections involves
Because not everyone
personal risk-taking
sees the world through
the same cultural frame
Because staying the
Because a diverse-thinking team is
course is hard
greater than the sum of its parts
Graphic: Deloitte University Press |
Thriving in a diverse new world
the core aspects of leadership, such as setting
elevating the importance of inclusive leader-
direction and influencing others, are timeless,
ship—the “Why care?” aspect of the discus-
but we see a new capability that is vital to the
sion. In the second part, we have identified the
way leadership is executed. We call this
six signature traits of an inclusive leader (figure
sive leadership, and our research has identified
1). In doing so, we have mined our experi-
six traits that characterize an inclusive mind-
ences with more than 1,000 global leaders,
set and inclusive behavior.
deep-diving into the views of 15 leaders and
This report is intended to help leaders think
subject matter experts, and surveying over
about how traditional notions of leadership
1,500 employees on their perceptions of inclu-
must change.2 We are not suggesting a whole-
sion. We have also built on existing thought
sale replacement of previous leadership theory.
leadership and applied research and drawn
Elements of inclusive leadership are echoed
on work with our inclusive leadership assess-
in transformational, servant, and authentic
ment tool—on which our six-part framework
leadership, for example, and these concepts are
is based—which has proved both reliable and
carried forward. However, we have amplified
valid in pilot testing.3 Sensing that inclusive
and built on these known attributes to define
leadership is a new capability, we have been
a powerful new capability uniquely adapted
examining this space since 2011, rather than
to a diverse environment. Understanding
relying solely on pre-existing leadership assess-
and being adept at inclusive leadership will
ments and databases, with their historic biases.
help leaders thrive in their increasingly
We conclude with some suggested strategies to
diverse environment.
help organizations cultivate inclusive capabili-
This report is structured in three parts.
ties across their leadership population.
First, we briefly describe the four shifts
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
A diverse new world: Markets,
customers, ideas, and talent
FOUR global mega-trends are creating a
So what does this mean for those with
business context that is far less homoge-
global ambitions? While there is no single
nous and much more diverse than has histori-
formula for success, research shows that having
cal y been the case. These interrelated shifts are
people with a more global mindset and capa-
influencing business priorities, and reshaping
bility is critical.9 John Lewis, Jr., global chief
the capabilities required of leaders to succeed
diversity officer of The Coca-Cola Company,
in the future.
agrees: “Right now, our fastest-growing
markets around the world are sub-Saharan
Diversity of markets
Africa, India, and China. How we win in these
The growth in emerging market econo-
markets is as much a matter of how we embed
mies may have slowed—and big challenges
ourselves in these cultures [as any other fac-
abound—but the long-term potential
tor]. The question I put to our business leaders
remains significant.
is: Even if we get all the tactics and logistics
By 2025, the world’s middle-class popula-
right, can we win if we don’t get the people part
tion is expected to reach 3.2 billion, up from
1.8 billion in 2009, with the majority of this
growth coming from Asia, Africa, and Latin
Diversity of customers
America.5 As income levels rise, so does con-
Customers have always been able to vote
sumer demand. This growing population now
with their feet. Today, this power is even
represents the single biggest growth oppor-
greater. Empowered through their digital
tunity in the portfolio of many companies
devices and with more choice, customers
around the world.6
expect greater personalization and a voice in
Reaching these consumers profitably, how-
shaping the products and services they con-
ever, is anything but straightforward.7 Markets
sume.11 Facing millions of individual expecta-
are characterized by significant cultural, politi-
tions and experiences across an increasingly
cal, and economic differences. Tension exists
diverse customer base, the challenge for com-
between local adaptation and international
panies is to deliver individualized insights and
scale. Home-grown players can provide stiff
a personal touch with the efficiencies of scale.
competition and strong local talent is scarce.
To remain competitive in this environment,
Indeed, in a 2015 survey of 362 executives, just
organizations have realized, customer cen-
10 percent believed that they have the full suite
tricity is paramount. Customer promises are
of capabilities needed to win offshore.8
being written into vision statements, operating
Thriving in a diverse new world
models are being redesigned to ensure that
compared with others, “breakthrough” inno-
customers are at the heart of the business, and
vators “cast a wide net for ideas.”16 In the
the role of the “chief customer officer” has been
race for new ideas, diversity of thinking is
created and elevated to the executive team.
gaining prominence as a strategy to protect
But more than just changing systems and
against groupthink and generate breakthrough
structures, organizations are increasingly
insights. However, while many agree intellectu-
focusing on cultivating more customer-centric
al y that collective intelligence enhances group
mindsets and capabilities. The new buzzwords
performance, few understand how to consis-
of “empathy” and “connectedness”—concepts
tently achieve it with any degree of specificity.17
that underpin popular methods such as design
In this context, a leader’s understanding of
thinking—are taking hold as organizations
how diversity of thinking works will be critical
strive to better understand customers’ worlds
to success. As François Hudon, an executive
and future needs. And while development
at Bank of Montreal, states: “For leaders, it’s
programs of the past may have focused on
making sure you have little risk of being blind-
traditional customer-facing roles, a leader-led
sided by something that a diverse team would
approach is increasingly being adopted.
have known about and would have identified
Telstra has embarked on a journey to orient
as an opportunity or a risk. I think it brings
the entire organization around the customer,
far greater confidence to the decision making
including the way leaders are developed.
when you know you are being supported by
“Leaders are central to the connected strategy,”
people who have far more diverse points of
says Rob Brown, director of customer advo-
cacy.12 “They are the linchpin that sets the pace
and culture of our organization. If leaders don’t
Diversity of talent
understand how we need to think differently,
if they don’t get that we need to connect with
Diversity of talent is at risk of being
customers’ needs to understand what they
overshadowed by other shifts. This is because
want and how best to simplify things for them,
demographic change has a slow-burn effect on
then it’s hard, if not impossible, for the teams
workplace profiles. And, of course, diversity of
to get it.”
talent is not a new topic. Anti-discrimination
laws and the “war for talent” have seen organi-
zations pay attention to historical y marginal-
Diversity of ideas
ized groups for some time. Leaders underplay
Organizations must “innovate or die,” extols
this shift at their peril.
Bill Gates.13 A bold statement, but we need not
Changes in population age profiles, educa-
look far to see its validity. Seemingly over-
tion, and migration flows, along with expecta-
night, digital disruption has reshaped whole
tions of equality of opportunity and work/life
industries and iconic brands and brought forth
balance, are all deeply impacting employee
new players.
populations. More than ever, future success
For most leaders, it’s an imperative that’s
will depend on a leader’s ability to optimize a
well understood. In a 2014 survey of 1,500
diverse talent pool.
executives, three-quarters said that innovation
By way of example, the world’s population
was among their company’s top three priori-
is aging rapidly. In 2050, those aged 65 and
ties.14 Despite this, 83 percent perceived their
over are predicted to reach 22 percent of the
companies’ innovation capabilities to be aver-
global population, up from 10 percent today,18
age (70 percent) or weak (13 percent).15
with implications for workforce participation.
So what sets apart breakthrough innova-
Against that backdrop, the expansion of higher
tors from the rest? The survey found that,
education is creating a group of highly mobile,
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
educated workers.19 By 2030, China will have
employees. For example, while their number in
more graduates than the entire US workforce,
the workforce is increasing, women hold just
and India will produce four times as many
12 percent of corporate board seats world-
graduates as the United States by 2020.20 The
wide.22 In the future, demographic shifts will
Millennials, too, are coming of age. This gen-
put greater pressure on leaders to be inclusive
eration will comprise 50 percent of the global
of diversity. According to one leader inter-
workforce by 2020.21 With high expectations
viewed, “Fundamental y, inclusion is a prin-
and different attitudes toward work, they will
ciple that anybody who is good enough to be
be integral in shaping organizational cultures
employed within the team is capable of becom-
into the future.
ing a leader and developing to the best of their
To date, however, data suggest that many
potential. And that is anybody.”
companies have struggled to include diverse
Thriving in a diverse new world
The six signature traits of an
inclusive leader
IF inclusive leadership reflects a new way of 2. Personalizing individuals—that is, under-
leading teams, then we need to look beyond
standing and valuing the uniqueness of
traditional leadership assessment tools and
diverse others while also accepting them as
frameworks. Since 2011, we have researched
members of the group
this new leadership capability, with our initial
exploration leading us to be much more certain
3. Leveraging the thinking of diverse groups
about “inclusion” itself—what it means, how it
for smarter ideation and decision making
is experienced by others, and how to measure
that reduces the risk of being blindsided
it. More specifical y, our research revealed that
when people feel that they are treated fairly,
To achieve these aims, highly inclusive
that their uniqueness is appreciated and they
leaders demonstrate six signature traits—in
have a sense of belonging, and that they have
terms of what they think about and what they
a voice in decision making, then they will feel
do—that are reinforcing and interrelated.
Collectively, these six traits represent a pow-
23 (See the appendix for a full descrip-
tion of our research methodology.)
erful capability highly adapted to diversity.
Embodiment of these traits enables leaders to
Table 1. Elements of inclusion
Fairness and respect
Value and belonging
Confidence and inspiration
Foundational element that is
Individuals feeling that their
Creating the conditions for high
underpinned by ideas about equality
uniqueness is known and
team performance through
of treatment and opportunities
appreciated, while also feeling a
individuals having the confidence to
sense of social connectedness and
speak up and the motivation to do
group membership
their best work
Putting this into the context of leaders,
operate more effectively within diverse mar-
inclusive leadership is about:
kets, better connect with diverse customers,
access a more diverse spectrum of ideas, and
1. Treating people and groups fairly—that is,
enable diverse individuals in the workforce to
based on their unique characteristics, rather
reach their full potential.
than on stereotypes
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
Table 2. The six signature traits of an inclusive leader
Six traits
of bias
Personal values
Belief in the
15 elements
Fair play
business case
Coping with
These six traits and fifteen elements are not
alignment with their own personal values and
a meaningless or aspirational laundry list. As
a deep-seated sense of fairness. “To me, it’s all
our interviews and formal 180-degree assess-
about fairness and equality of opportunity,”
ment of leaders and peers/followers revealed,
says Belinda Hutchinson, chancellor of the
they are very tangible and developable.
University of Sydney. “It’s about giving people
the opportunity to achieve what they should be
Trait 1: Commitment
able to achieve. It doesn’t just relate to gender.
Highly inclusive leaders are committed to
It relates to race, religion, sexual preference—
diversity and inclusion because these objec-
whatever else it may be.”
tives align with their personal values and
This insight is consistent with research
because they believe in the business case.
by the US-based think tank Catalyst, which
Being inclusive of diversity is a big chal-
identified “a strong sense of fair play” as the
lenge. It takes time and energy, two of a leader’s
most significant predictor that men would
most precious commodities. So what motivates
champion gender initiatives in the workplace.24
a leader to expend these resources in the pur-
Interestingly, Catalyst also observed that indi-
suit of diversity?
viduals’ “commitment to fairness ideals was
Clearly, an understanding of the commer-
rooted in very personal experiences.”25 This
cial imperative is critical, as discussed in the
finding has particular resonance for one leader
previous section. “It is hard to argue with the
we interviewed: “At school . . . it was very
diversity argument in a business context,” says
much an in-group and out-group dynamic that
Jennifer Reid, head of retail, business, and trea-
I experienced. And I have always had sensitiv-
sury payments operations at Bank of Montreal.
ity to any form of exclusion that comes from a
“When you look at the changes in the business
environment, it would be very difficult for any
This combination of intellect (that is, belief
business leader to say they don’t need to pay
in the business case) and emotion (that is,
a sense of fair play and caring for people as
Intriguingly, however, many of the lead-
individuals, not “resources”) is consistent with
ers interviewed in our research cited the
the “head and heart” strategy emphasized
extrinsic reward of enhanced performance as
by change expert John Kotter. According to
a secondary motivator. Their primary motiva-
Kotter, while engaging the minds of individu-
tion for pursuing diversity and inclusion was
als through rational arguments is important,
Thriving in a diverse new world
“people change what they do less because
they are given analysis that shifts their think-
ing than because they are shown a truth that
influences their feelings.”
26 The Coca-Cola
Company’s Lewis, Jr., agrees: “The business
Founded in 1962, Catalyst is a leading nonprofit
case is compelling. But for this to work, you
organization that seeks to expand opportunities
need to connect to the minds and the hearts.”
for women and business. A 2014 study by
Catalyst identified four leadership behaviors
We suspect it is this blend that enables lead-
that predicted feelings of uniqueness and
ers to speak about diversity and inclusion in a
belongingness—key elements of inclusion—
compelling way. As one leader observes, inclu-
across employees in Australia, China, Germany,
sive leaders have an “authenticity about the
Mexico, and the United States. These were:
agenda and a consistency about it as wel . It is
in their communications. People look at them
• Empowerment: Enabling direct reports to
develop and excel
and say they are ‘fair dinkum.’” For Dr. Rohini
Anand, senior vice president and global chief
• Humility: Admitting mistakes; learning
diversity officer at Sodexo, this contrasts with
from criticism and different points of view;
those who are not committed: “It is not neces-
acknowledging and seeking contributions
sarily people saying overt things . . . [but] they
of others to overcome one’s limitations
are just mouthing words without internalizing
• Courage: Putting personal interests aside
it. Therefore it is shallow and not sustainable.”
to achieve what needs to be done; acting
More than just talking, when leaders pri-
on convictions and principles even when it
oritize time, energy, and resources to address
requires personal risk-taking
inclusion, it signals that a verbal commitment
is a true priority. As Mike Henry, president
• Accountability: Demonstrating confidence
in direct reports by holding them
of operations for Minerals for Australia at
responsible for performance they can
BHP Billiton explains, prioritization includes
treating diversity and inclusion as a business
The current research has identified similar
imperative: “Like any other organizational pri-
leadership behaviors (that is, personal risk-taking,
ority, or something that is strategical y signifi-
humility, and empowerment) as important to
cant to the organization, it needs to be part of
inclusive leadership. However, our framework
the business plan, management conversations,
expands on these ideas in the broader context of
and targets, and you need to have an objective
diversity of markets, ideas, customers, and talent.
way of assessing whether you are achieving
Most importantly, it identifies the 15 specific
elements inclusive leaders think about and do.
what you want to achieve.” At a personal level,
inclusive leaders also believe that creating an
inclusive culture starts with them, and they
possess a strong sense of personal responsi-
bility for change. “You can’t just come out as
a leader and say, ‘This is important; set the
targets, and everyone go out and achieve the
targets,’” says Henry. “You may achieve the tar-
gets, but not the culture you need. The leader
needs to invest in people, building shared aspi-
ration and building an aligned understanding
of the business case. They need to work with
the team on the ‘how.’”
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
Table 3. Elements of commitment
Signature trait: Commitment
What inclusive leaders
What inclusive leaders do
think about
Personal values
• Alignment of personal values to
• Treat all team members with fairness and respect
• Understand the uniqueness of each team member
• Take action to ensure each team member feels connected to
the group/organization
• Proactively adapt their work practices to meet the needs of
Business case belief
• Commercial value of diversity
• Treat diversity and inclusion as a business priority
and inclusion with respect to
• Take personal responsibility for diversity and inclusion
talent, innovation, customers,
and new market growth
• Clearly and authentically articulate the value of diversity and
• Allocate resources toward improving diversity and inclusion
within the workplace
Trait 2: Courage
that?’ It’s real y important to make the feedback
Highly inclusive leaders speak up and
regular . . . on-the-ground coaching is critical.”
challenge the status quo, and they are humble
Courage also comes into play in a willing-
about their strengths and weaknesses.
ness to challenge entrenched organizational
“The early adopters of this work have been
attitudes and practices that promote homo-
. . . perceived as mavericks in their environ-
geneity. In the 1980s, for example, McKinsey
ment,” says The Coca-Cola Company’s Lewis,
changed its recruiting practices to promote
Jr. “Frankly, they need to be a bit courageous,
divergent thinking and meet a demand for
because they buck the trend. For leaders, they
consultants. Instead of continuing to recruit
need to make a decision as to whether they
from a narrow pool of MBAs from the top
dig in and entrench as they are, or recognize
business schools, McKinsey’s Advanced
the world as it will become, and be part of the
Professional Degree (APD) program sought
change.” The courage to speak up—to chal-
out talent from industry and a broader base
lenge others and the status quo—is a central
of universities.27 Where courage came in was
behavior of an inclusive leader, and it occurs at
the preparedness to challenge the status quo
three levels: with others, with the system, and
and then to address the initial bias toward
with themselves.
MBAs as partner-elects. Courageous partners
Challenging others is perhaps the most
talked with their peers and sought personal
expected focus for leaders. For one leader
promises of commitment to support APD
interviewed, courage includes gently chal-
talent; they briefed the evaluation commit-
lenging followers to see their behaviors and
tee on the need to assess performance objec-
the impact they have on others. “I talk [to my
tively; and they intervened when necessary to
team] about how I came across in that meet-
improve APD recruits’ chances of fitting in.
ing,” this leader says. “But I also give them
Today, 20 to 30 percent of McKinsey’s North
real y regular feedback: ‘Did you know you did
American associates are classed as APDs, as
that in that meeting, how others may perceive
opposed to 10 percent in the early 1990s;28 the
Thriving in a diverse new world
diversity of background, industry experience,
attribute that is “most antithetical to common
and discipline knowledge of APDs are seen as
notions of leadership.” It is difficult for leaders
highly valuable.29
in the public spotlight to admit they don’t have
There’s a vulnerability to being an inclusive
all the answers. Courage and humility there-
leader, because confronting others and the
fore go hand in hand.
status quo immediately invites the spotlight to
Humility, according to Catalyst, also
turn on the speaker. Being an agent for change
encompasses learning from criticism and
can also be met with cynicism and challenges
different points of view, as well as seeking
from others. According to University of Sydney
contributions from others to overcome one’s
chancellor Belinda Hutchinson, “You need to
limitations.31 According to Sodexo’s Anand,
take risks and recognize that you’re going to
“Those [leaders] who lack the self-awareness
have some failures along the way, and you will
and humility to learn and admit they don’t
need to get up, shake yourself off, and get on
know everything—these would be leaders who
with it. It’s about patience and persistence. You
miss an opportunity to learn, and who will be
may try this, or that, and it may not work, but
blindsided if they are not careful.”
if you keep driving towards the end goal, then
you will get there. So it is about courage and
Trait 3: Cognizance of bias
commitment to stay the course.”
Highly inclusive leaders are mindful of
Inclusive leaders have the courage to speak
personal and organizational blind spots, and
out about themselves and to reveal, in a very
self-regulate to help ensure “fair play.”
personal way, their own limitations. Instead of
shying away from the challenge of imperfec-
“The leaders that are inclusive do a couple
tion, highly inclusive leaders adopt an attitude
of things,” says Sodexo’s Anand. “At the indi-
of humility. In 2014, the US-based think tank
vidual level, they are very self-aware, and they
Catalyst identified “humility” as one of the four
act on that self-awareness. And they acknowl-
leadership behaviors that predicated whether
edge that their organizations, despite best
employees felt included (see sidebar above,
intentions, have unconscious bias, and they
“Catalyst and inclusive leadership”).
put in place policies, processes, and structures
30 Yet, as
Catalyst rightly pointed out, humility is the one
in order to mitigate the unconscious bias that
Table 4. Elements of courage
Signature trait: Courage
What inclusive leaders
What inclusive leaders do
think about
• Awareness of personal strengths
• Acknowledge personal limitations and weaknesses
and weaknesses
• Seek the contributions of others to overcome personal
• Admit mistakes when made
• Being an agent for change and
• Approach diversity and inclusion wholeheartedly
the positive impact diversity and
• Challenge entrenched organizational attitudes and practices
inclusion can have
that promote homogeneity
• Hold others to account for noninclusive behaviors
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
Biases are a leader’s Achilles’ heel, poten-
tial y resulting in decisions that are unfair and
irrational. Inclusive leaders are deeply aware
that biases can narrow their field of vision
and prevent them from making objective
decisions. In particular, inclusive leaders are
highly sensitized to two fundamental phenom-
ena: personal biases, such as homophily and
Implicit stereotypes
implicit stereotypes and attitudes; and process
Occurs when people judge others according to
biases, such as confirmation bias and group-
unconscious stereotypes
think.32 Importantly, they are cognizant of the
situations and factors, such as time pressures
Similarity-attraction bias
and fatigue, causing them to be most vulner-
The tendency to more easily and deeply connect
able to biases’ pul . Inclusive leaders also exert
with people who “look and feel” like ourselves
considerable effort to learn about their own
biases, self-regulate, and develop corrective
In-group favoritism
strategies. They understand that their natu-
A tendency to favor members of in-groups and
ral state, without these interventions, tends
neglect members of out-groups
to lean toward self-cloning and self-interest,
and that success in a diverse world requires a
Attribution error
different approach.
Occurs when the wrong reason is used to explain
BHP Billiton’s Henry is aware that recruit-
someone’s behavior; coupled with in-group
ment is a vulnerable moment for him. “I am
favoritism, this results in a positive attribution for
very clear about the type of person I gravitate
in-group members and a negative attribution for
out-group members
to when hiring. Consciously, I put all sorts of
checks and balances in place with respect to
Confirmation bias
the thinkers I gravitate to. There have been
Seeking or interpreting information that is partial
times when I have overridden my opinion
to existing beliefs
with others’ advice, and it has worked out
In the context of diverse talent, inclusive
When the desire for group harmony overrides
leaders think about three features of fairness
rational decision making
with the aim of creating an environment of
“fair play”:33
Outcome: Are outcomes such as pay and
performance ratings, as well as develop-
ment and promotion opportunities, allo-
cated on the basis of capability and effort, or
does their distribution reflect bias?
Process: Are the processes applied in decid-
ing these outcomes (a) transparent, (b)
applied consistently, (c) based on accurate
information, (d) free from bias, and (e)
inclusive of the views of individuals affected
by the decisions, or are they tinged with
bias, thus leading to undeserved success for
some and failure for others?
Thriving in a diverse new world
Table 5. Elements of cognizance of bias
Signature trait: Cognizance of bias
What inclusive leaders
What inclusive leaders do
think about
• Acceptance of bias and concern
• Learn about their personal biases, including through feedback
for its impact
• Follow processes to ensure personal biases do not influence
• Moments when they are most
decisions about others
vulnerable to bias
• Identify and address organizational processes that are
inconsistent with merit
Fair play
• Awareness of the three features
• Make fair and merit-based decisions about talent (for example,
of fairness: outcomes, processes,
with respect to promotions, rewards, and task allocations)
and communication
• Employ transparent, consistent, and informed decision-making
processes about talent
• Provide those affected with clear explanations of the processes
applied and reasons for decisions made
Communication: Are the reasons for
career planning, mobility, and the benefit of
decisions made, and processes applied,
getting different critical experiences across
explained to those affected, and are people
diverse business segments.”34
treated respectful y in the process?
Importantly, as Bank of Montreal’s Reid
Trait 4: Curiosity
demonstrates, inclusive leaders are aware
Highly inclusive leaders have an open
that “fairness” does not necessarily equate
mindset, a desire to understand how others
to “same.” She says, “I grew up with a learn-
view and experience the world, and a toler-
ing disability and, at certain times, I required
ance for ambiguity.
different levels of support. My mum would
What’s the one attribute CEOs need to suc-
say that fairness didn’t always mean the exact
ceed in the future? “I would place my bet on
same, but the opportunity to be your best, and
curiosity,” responded Michael Del , chairman
this would mean that you need different things
and chief executive officer of Dell Inc., in a
at different times.”
2015 interview. “Because with curiosity comes
In thinking about process, inclusive leaders
learning and new ideas, and in businesses that
seek to pinpoint processes that create subtle
are changing very rapidly, if you’re not curious,
advantages for some and subtle disadvantages
you’re not learning, and you’re going to have a
for others, perpetuating homogeneity and
real problem.”35
undermining inclusion. This understand-
Inclusive leaders accept their limitations
ing led Alan Joyce, CEO of Qantas, to put
and hunger for the views of others to complete
strategies in place to mitigate the impact of
the picture. This thirst for continual learning
bias in performance conversations. “In the
helps drive attributes associated with curios-
past, people’s opinions and biases were often
ity—open-mindedness, inquiry, and empathy.
at the forefront of our talent discussions. We
Such behaviors do not come easily. Time and
embarked on a strategy to take out bias—using
effort are required to engage with diverse
external assessments, global benchmarking,
others, as is the skill of synthesizing a broader
and leadership and “potential” data. Now we
range of perspectives. But the result is loyalty
have a more objective and collective view of
from others who feel valued, along with access
talent. This enables us to confidently discuss
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
to a richer set of information that enables bet-
he says. For Grazer, curiosity is a “superhero
ter decision making.
The openness to different ideas and experi-
Lieutenant General Angus Campbel , Chief
ences is a defining characteristic of inclusive
of Army, Australia, says about his own efforts:
leaders, who give weight to the insights of
“I try to listen. And I try to understand why
diverse others. As Bank of Montreal’s Hudon
someone’s opinion is different from mine.
describes: “I tend to specifical y ask the opin-
And I think in those two efforts . . . you are
ion of someone who will bring a different view
both recognizing the individual and respect-
from my own. As we discuss an issue, I will
ing them, and you’re giving pause to analyze,
often go to people who are likely processing
compare, complement, and question your own
things differently, and purposely ask for their
beliefs. In trying to understand the difference
opinion, knowing it will come from a different
of opinion, you are giving the project or the
place than my own.”
initiative you are dealing with space to become
For inclusive leaders, asking curious ques-
better.” Maaike Steinebach, chief executive of
tions and actively listening are core skil s that
CBA’s Hong Kong branch, agrees that listening
are key to deepening their understanding of
deeply is critical to her success. “I real y make
perspectives from diverse individuals. Since
an effort to try to learn something new from
the 1970s, Oscar-winning producer Brian
the people I talk to. As an extrovert it’s very
Grazer has conducted “curiosity conversa-
easy to talk, but if you’re quiet, you can hear
tions” with over 450 diverse strangers—talks
more about others and what is going on, and it
that have inspired many of the films and shows
can be a much more valuable experience.”
he has produced, including
Apollo 13 and
For inclusive leaders, openness also involves
Beautiful Mind.36 “I seek out their perspective
withholding fast judgment, which can stifle the
and experience and stories, and by doing that, I
flow of ideas. As Hayden Majajas, diversity and
multiply my own experience a thousand-fold,”
inclusion director, Asia-Pacific at BP, explains,
Table 6. Elements of curiosity
Signature trait: Curiosity
What inclusive leaders
What inclusive leaders do
think about
• Their own limitations and the
• Demonstrate a desire for continued learning
value of new and different ideas
• Actively seek the perspectives of diverse others in ideation and
and experiences
decision making
• Withhold fast judgment when engaging with diverse others
Perspective taking
• Enhancing one’s own
• Listen attentively when another person is voicing a point of
understanding of new or
different perspectives
• Engage in respectful and curious questioning to better
understand others’ viewpoints
• Demonstrate the ability to see things from others’ viewpoints
Coping with
• Acceptance that some ambiguity
• Cope effectively with change
and uncertainty is inevitable
• Demonstrate and encourage divergent thinking
• Seek opportunities to connect with a diverse range of people
Thriving in a diverse new world
making judgments can also limit personal
other cultures as inferior to their own, and
growth and connections: “I think that religion
enabling them to build stronger connections
is a good example at the moment. For example,
with people from different backgrounds. As
if we are talking about religion in the work-
Geert Peeters, CFO of CLP Group, comments:
place, it is one thing to be curious, but another
“There is no one culture that is smarter than
to be able to suspend your own beliefs. Asking
another. In recognizing intelligence in each
a question knowing that you could not change
culture, your culture’s intelligence may not
your beliefs under any circumstances—not
necessarily be used today for today’s problems,
in terms of taking on someone else’s religion,
but it will be used tomorrow for tomorrow’s
but in terms of what you think is right and
problems. There is no point in judging. We just
wrong—is pointless. But temporarily suspend-
need to bank all of these cultural differences to
ing your beliefs enables you to learn more and
have a collective intelligence and to be able to
to engage, and often that is the key to overcom-
use it.”
ing barriers.”
Inclusive leaders are tolerant of ambigu-
In a virtuous circle, curiosity encourages
ity, which enables them to manage the stress
connections with diverse others, which in turn
imposed by new or different cultural environ-
promotes empathy and perspective-taking.
ments as well as situations where familiar
Both have been shown to have a multitude of
environmental or behavioral cues are lacking.
benefits, including fostering a more construc-
As BP’s Majajas describes, inclusive leaders are
tive exchange of ideas (diversity of ideas),38
also adept at changing their verbal and nonver-
facilitating greater customer insight (diversity
bal behaviors according to cultural demands.
of customers), and decreasing one’s susceptibil-
“It is about when and how you would adapt
ity to bias (diversity of talent).39
your forms of expression and communication
with other people. And that includes every-
Trait 5: Culturally intelligent
thing—when you use gestures, when you slow
Highly inclusive leaders are confident and
down, when you enunciate or pronounce your
effective in cross-cultural interactions.
words better, when you choose your language.
For inclusive leaders, the ability to func-
This is about being more specific and more
tion effectively in different cultural settings is
about more than just having a mental map of
Final y, inclusive leaders understand that
different cultural frameworks (for example,
the ability to adapt does not mean “going
Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory). While
native,” which can cause leaders to lose sight
an understanding of cultural similarities and
of what they want to achieve by overcompen-
differences is important, inclusive leaders also
sating for new cultural demands.40 As Majajas
recognize how their own culture impacts their
puts it, “It’s about being flexible but authentic. I
personal worldview, as well as how cultural
think a more inclusive leader is someone who
stereotypes—including the misuse of cultural
knows when to adapt and doesn’t necessarily
models—can influence their expectations
need to change who they are fundamental y.”
of others.
Many of the capabilities discussed above
At a deeper level, inclusive leaders’ thirst
are encapsulated in the model known as
for learning means that they are also motivated
“cultural intelligence” (CQ), which comprises
to deepen their cultural understanding and
four elements:41
to learn from the experience of working in an
1. Motivational: The leader’s energy and inter-
unfamiliar environment. This curiosity leads
est toward learning about, and engaging in,
them to value cultural differences, defying eth-
cross-cultural interactions
nocentric tendencies that cause people to judge
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
Table 7. Elements of cultural intelligence
Signature trait: Cultural intelligence
What inclusive leaders
What inclusive leaders do
think about
• The personal and organizational
• Take an active interest in learning about other cultures
benefits of learning about, and
• Seek out opportunities to experience culturally diverse
experiencing, different cultures
• Are confident leading cross-cultural teams
• The differences and similarities
• Seek information on the local context; for example, politics
between cultures
and ways of working
• Relevant country-specific
knowledge to operate effectively
within specific geographies (for
example, business and economic
knowledge, norms, practices,
and conventions)
• Acceptance that different cultural
• Work well with individuals from different cultural backgrounds
situations may require behavioral
• Change style appropriately when a cross-cultural encounter
requires it
• Use appropriate verbal (for example, speed, tone, use of
pause/silence) and nonverbal (for example, gestures, facial
expressions, body language, physical contact) behavior in
cross-cultural encounters
2. Cognitive: The leader’s knowledge
Trait 6: Collaborative
of relevant cultural norms, practices,
Highly inclusive leaders empower individ-
and conventions
uals as well as create and leverage the think-
ing of diverse groups.
3. Metacognitive: The leader’s level
“The new IQ is based more on group intel-
of conscious cultural awareness
ligence,” says Bruce Stewart, acting director,
during interactions
strategic initiatives, US Office of Personnel
Management. “The old IQ is about how smart
4. Behavioral: The use of appropriate
you are; the new IQ is about how smart you
verbal and nonverbal actions in cross-
make your team. If you take it to heart, it will
cultural interactions
change the way you lead. Instead of the leader
Research has demonstrated the positive
leading from top of the pyramid, they lead
relationship between CQ and a range of impor-
from the middle of the circle.”
tant business outcomes, including expatriate
At its core, col aboration is about indi-
job performance, intercultural negotiation
viduals working together, building on each
effectiveness, and team process effectiveness in
other’s ideas to produce something new or
multicultural teams.42
solve something complex. But while col abora-
tion among similar people is comfortable and
easy, the challenge and opportunity thrown
Thriving in a diverse new world
up by the foundational shifts is col aboration
through the roof and a best employer status
with diverse others: employees, customers, or
that is almost unparalleled. I talked to some
other stakeholders.
of the people that are on the phones, and one
Inclusive leaders understand that, for col-
thing that resonated with me is the sense of
laboration to be successful, individuals must
autonomy. They have the autonomy to do what
first be willing to share their diverse perspec-
they want. Their managers trust them, the
tives. For Bank of Montreal’s Reid, this willing-
company trusts them, and I thought that we
ness is cultivated by creating an environment
could do that better.”
where individuals feel valued personal y and
For inclusive leaders, diversity of thinking is
are empowered to contribute. “It’s about people
a critical ingredient for effective col aboration.
having the freedom to work from their own
Far from being guided by hunches and feelings,
perspective . . . [feeling] that their perspective
or leaving success to chance, inclusive leaders
is valued, and that they feel that in a very genu-
adopt a disciplined approach to diversity of
ine way. And that empowers them to provide
thinking, paying close attention to team com-
alternative points of view.”
position and the decision-making processes
Rather than controlling the flow of ideas,
employed.43 In this way, they understand the
inclusive leaders encourage autonomy, empow-
demographic factors that cause individuals and
ering their teams to connect with others in
groups to think differently, both directly (for
the pursuit of diverse perspectives. “The end
example, educational background and mental
state for a good performing team is an autono-
frameworks) and indirectly (for example, gen-
mous team,” says Deven Billimoria, CEO of
der and race), and purposely align individuals
Smartgroup Corporation. “I recently visited
to teams based on that knowledge.44
a company that has a Net Promoter Score
Table 8. Elements of collaboration
Signature trait: Collaboration
What inclusive leaders
What inclusive leaders do
think about
• Ensuring that others feel able
• Give team members the freedom to handle difficult situations
and comfortable to contribute
• Empower team members to make decisions about issues that
impact their work
• Hold team members accountable for performance they can
• Being disciplined about diversity
• Assemble teams that are diverse in thinking
of thinking in terms of team
• Work hard to ensure that team members respect each other
composition and processes
and that there are no out-groups within the team
• Anticipate and take appropriate action to address team
conflict when it occurs
• Adapting styles and processes to
• Create a safe environment where people feel comfortable to
ensure that every team member
speak up
has a voice
• Explicitly include all team members in discussions
• Ask follow-up questions
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
Inclusive leaders are also deeply aware
guiding principles, for example, that encour-
that—even when a diverse-thinking team has
age people to contribute without fear. “I think
been assembled—process biases can pull a
that it is important to assume good intent,”
group toward sameness and the status quo.
says Rachel Argaman, CEO of TFE Hotels.
For example, like-minded team members are
“If we are talking around the table, I might
drawn toward each other when testing ideas;
suggest something, and more than half of my
confirmation bias causes individuals to refer-
team might say, ‘No, we shouldn’t do that,
ence only those perspectives that conform to
we should do this!’ I think that’s normal and
pre-existing views; and in-group favoritism
healthy. It’s certainly normal and healthy for
causes some team members to cluster. These
our team.” Final y, inclusive leaders appreciate
leaders therefore work to mitigate the effects of
the importance of understanding team mem-
process biases.45 They are attuned to the pro-
bers’ thinking styles (for example, introvert
pensity for fault lines to fracture the team into
versus extrovert), and they adapt their com-
subgroups, which can weaken relationships
munication and approach as necessary to elicit
and create conflict. They proactively employ
valuable perspectives.
strategies that foster a sense of “one team,”
In addition to formal processes, inclusive
creating a superordinate group identity and
leaders also consider whether the broader
shared goals, and working to ensure people
organizational culture and infrastructure,
understand and value the bank of knowledge
including workplace design and technol-
and capabilities across the group.
ogy, promote social connections across the
Further, inclusive leaders understand that
organization. As the US Office of Personnel
people are most col aborative when they feel
Management’s Stewart explains, “If leaders
safe to contribute without fear of embarrass-
want to be inclusive, they [also] need to think
ment or punishment. They understand that
about idea spaces. They need to make sure
power dynamics, dominating styles, and low
there are places where different ideas and
tolerance of differences can stop team mem-
individuals can mix. Folks who generate more
bers from speaking up. They focus on building
ideas in inclusive ways—they are the smarter
trust across the group, establishing a set of
Thriving in a diverse new world
What can organizations do?
THE six signature traits of an inclusive
leader have important implications for
how organizations select and develop leaders.
• Ensure that job advertisements empha-
Below, we provide some possible actions to
size inclusive leadership capabilities (for
help organizations develop inclusive leadership
example, col aborative, curious) and the
capabilities and build a culture of inclusion.
organization’s commitment to diversity
and inclusion.
Strategic alignment
• Incorporate inclusion into behavioral inter-
• Highlight inclusive leadership as a core
view questions. For example, an interviewer
pil ar within the organization’s diversity and
could ask, “Describe a situation where oth-
inclusion strategy.
ers you were working with disagreed with
your ideas. How did you respond?”
• Articulate a compelling narrative as to
why inclusive leadership is critical to
Capability and competency
business success. For example, how may
inclusive leadership drive innovation
and prevent the organization from being
• Integrate inclusive leadership capa-
blindsided, support greater customer con-
bilities into the organization’s leadership
nectivity, optimize talent, and/or enable
competency model.
leaders to operate more effectively in a
global marketplace?
Performance management
• Make symbolic workplace changes to sig-
• Link KPIs to inclusive behaviors and diver-
nify the importance of inclusive leadership.
sity and inclusion outcomes. For example,
For example, incorporate inclusion into an
establish a metric around employee percep-
organization’s values to guide behaviors,
tions of leadership commitment to diversity
and appoint senior leaders who embody
and inclusion and their inclusive behaviors.
inclusive leadership.
• Ensure that those appointed to senior-
level positions embody inclusive
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
leadership or demonstrate a genuine com-
• Integrate development of the six signature
mitment to developing the capability for
traits of inclusive leadership into leadership
inclusive leadership.
development programs.
• Hold leaders to account for
System integration
noninclusive behaviors.
• Integrate inclusive leadership into the orga-
Rewards and recognition
nization’s global mobility strategy in order
to help assess participant readiness and to
• Reward leaders who role-model
develop current and future leaders.
inclusive behaviors.
• Consider how inclusive leadership—as
• Showcase highly inclusive leaders across the
well as the broader principles of diversity
organization as well as the benefits derived
and inclusion—fit within the organiza-
from their inclusive behavior.
tion’s innovation strategy and processes.
For example, in undertaking ideation or
Leadership development
problem-solving activities, ensure that lead-
ers assemble teams that are diverse in their
• Formal y assess inclusive leadership capa-
thinking and that individual and group
bilities across senior leaders and people
biases are mitigated in group discussions.
managers. Identify individual and orga-
nizational developmental gaps and create
Diversity—of markets, customers, ideas,
development plans.
and talent—is an inescapable part of today’s
business environment. When leaders have
• Encourage leaders to seek informal feed-
clarity about what it means to be highly inclu-
back from others on their capability for
sive—through the six signature traits and fif-
inclusive leadership.
teen elements—they are positioned for success.
Thriving in a diverse new world
Appendix: Research
How was the model of inclusive
Step 1: We generated a pool of potential
leadership identified?
items to assess inclusive leadership. Items
were generated deductively, beginning
The six-factor inclusive leadership model
with a theoretical view of the six signature
described in this report was developed through
traits and the results of our senior leader
a comprehensive review of the literature and
interviews. Care was taken to construct
refined on the basis of interviews.
items properly; for example, we avoided
double-barreled items and ensured that
each item was worded simply and directly.
Seventeen interviewees were identified
Two versions of the survey were created:
across Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New
one for leaders to be completed as a self-
Zealand, Singapore, and the United States
assessment, and the second to be completed
on the basis of one or more of the following
by their followers/peers.
criteria: 1) the individual’s visible commit-
ment to the creation of an inclusive workplace,
Step 2: We assessed the content-adequacy
2) the individual’s demonstration of inclusive
of the items with a panel of experts. In
behaviors, and 3) subject-matter expertise.
particular, this stage focused on ensuring
Interviewees were identified by either Deloitte
that the items developed for each of the
professionals or diversity and inclusion leaders
six signature traits captured the full defini-
within their organizations.
tion of each trait. Following from this, we
Interviews were semi-structured and
administered a draft version of the items
covered a range of topics relating to diversity,
to non-experts to check whether the items
inclusion, and leadership style. Three research-
under each trait appeared to be face valid.
ers reviewed the transcripts and developed a
coding scheme to capture key themes. Any dis-
Step 3: We administered a refined ver-
agreements between researchers with respect
sion of the survey to a sample of 32 senior
to coding were discussed and resolved.
leaders (“targets”) and their followers/peers
(“raters”) from multiple organizations.
Scale construction
Respondents were asked to provide their
A 180-degree measure of inclusive
ratings on a five-point Likert scale ranging
leadership was constructed using Hinkin,
from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly
Tracey, and Enz’s (1997) seven-step scale
agree). A total of 120 items were included in
development process.46
The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
the survey. T-tests were conducted to check
Step 5: The internal consistency of the
for differences between self and other rat-
items was assessed using a scale reliability
ings. No significant differences were found.
assessment. An internal consistency score
was calculated both for the total score (all
Step 4: The data were subjected to explor-
60 items) and the 15 sub-elements. Internal
atory factor analysis using principal com-
consistency was excellent for both the total
ponents analysis (PCA). Results indicated
scale and the elements (α values ranged
that the items all loaded well (>.50) on a
from .82 to .93).
single factor, which we labeled as inclusive
leadership. More detailed examination of
Step 6: We re-engaged with our panel of
the data revealed fifteen elements across
experts to ensure that the refined version
six factors. At this stage, the total item pool
of the tool still aligned to the theoretical
was reduced by half on the basis of factor
definition of inclusive leadership. We also
loadings and expert discussion. Duplicative
ran a series of standard regressions to check
items were also removed.
convergent validity.
Thriving in a diverse new world
1. Deloitte Australia,
It’s (almost) all about
11. Deloitte,
The Deloitte consumer review:
me: Workplace 2030, 2013, http://www2.
The growing power of consumers, 2014,
p. 1,
2. This report has been adapted from the
12. Deloitte,
Telstra’s ambition to connect
original publication
Fast forward: Leading in
everything to everyone: Transforming busi-
a brave new world of diversity, Deloitte, 2015,
ness through customer-centricity, 2015,
commissioned by Chartered Accountants
Australia and New Zealand. It has been
adapted and republished with permission.
3. See the appendix for a description
of the research methodology.
13. Keng-Mun Lee, “Even banks must ‘innovate or
4. International Monetary Fund, “World
Asset, October 2013, http://www.theasset.
economic outlook update: Slower growth
in emerging markets, a gradual pickup
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6. Deloitte Consulting LLP,
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Which Two Heads are
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Better than One? How Diverse Teams
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7. Ibid.
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8. Boston Consulting Group,
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on-ageing, accessed March15, 2016.
19. Deloitte Australia,
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ness Trends 2014, p. 56.
A national strategy, 2012, p. 10, http://
21. PwC,
Mil ennials at work: Reshaping
the workplace, 2011,
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individuals in this report were obtained
through interviews conducted for this
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The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
22. Deloitte,
Women in the boardroom: A global
35. Warren Berger, “Why curious people
perspective, 2015,
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Business Review, September 11, 2015,
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Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life
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38. Inga J. Hoever, Daan van Knippenberg,
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24. Catalyst,
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Journal of Applied Psychol-
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sions and the Teams That Got Them Right
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Intel igence: Individual Interactions Across Cul-
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Thomas Rockstuhl, Mei Ling Tan, and Chris-
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four factor model of cultural intelligence”;
Thomas Rockstuhl, Stefan Seiler, Soon Ang,
Linn Van Dyne, and Hubert Annen, “Beyond
general intelligence (IQ) and emotional
intelligence (EQ): The role of cultural intel-
33. Jason A. Colquitt, Donald E. Conlon, Michael
ligence (CQ) on cross-border leadership
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46. Timothy R. Hinkin, J. Bruce Tracey, and
Cathy A. Enz, “Scale construction: Developing
reliable and valid measurement instru-
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism
Research 21, no. 1 (1997): pp. 100–120.
Thriving in a diverse new world
United Kingdom
Bernadette Dillon (London-based)
Tim Clayton-Ball
Director Consulting
Partner, Consulting
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Australia
Deloitte LLP
+44 7502 099 480
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Juliet Bourke (Australia-based)
Leader, Diversity and Inclusion
Co-leader, Leadership
Partner, Consulting
Jackie Scales
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Australia
Senior manager, Consulting
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The six signature traits of inclusive leadership
The authors would like to thank
Kathryn Page,
Artie Gindidis,
Andrea Espedido,
Pyszko, and
Olivia Dineen of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu for their valuable contributions to
this article.
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